Best Valorant Stat Trackers – What Is The Top Val Tracker?

8 minutes
Last Updated: May 28, 2024
Ranking the best Valorant stat trackers might boil down to preference. Or depending on which statistics you find more useful. Some players might appreciate the more appealing overplay, others would like a lower CPU burden while many just want the raw important stats.
Drag clicking isn’t a big thing in Valorant but knowing why you lose games is very important. And that’s what these Valorant stat trackers do best. After you set up your account and choose the perfect Valorant name, the fun and hard part begins.
Climbing the Valorant ranked ladder can be excruciating, so everyone is looking for a way to gain an advantage. Since cheats are not permitted, knowledge is the best hack you can have. So what are Valorant trackers, how do they work and which one should you use? Let’s find out!
What Are Valorant Stat Trackers?
Valorant stat trackers are third-party software tools or services that grant players insight into various statistics related to their Valorant gameplay. Most of them are free to use, but some of them also offer subscription-based services for a deeper analytical report.
Valorant is a popular tactical first-person shooter game developed by Riot Games. Platforms like this have been a thing in the gaming community for a long time. These stat trackers typically provide information such as kill-death ratios, win-loss ratios, headshot percentages, accuracy, damage dealt, and other performance metrics.
These tools can be accessed online on their main websites or integrated within the game as an overlay, giving you in-depth insights on the fly. Some players even consider these tools an unfair advantage as not everyone knows about them.
However, some competitive players can use that insight and enemy analysis to mold their gameplay in order to exploit an enemy’s weakness. Apart from this, these tools can help players analyze their performance and identify areas for improvement. Tracking progress over time, and comparing their stats with those of other players.
Best Valorant Stat Trackers Ranked
When it comes to tracking performance in FPS titles, the Tracker network is hard to beat. Their Valorant Tracker is probably the best option out there when it comes to the best Valorant stat trackers.
It’s widely accessible, with a website, mobile, and PC app available for all kinds of devices. That way, you can settle an argument with just a few clicks, regardless of where you are. Another great thing is that your stats are being recorded even if you don’t use the platform.
That means you can see how you’ve been improving even if you never used the platform. While the website is great for analyzing your gameplay, you can also strategize against your enemies. Checking in on your teammates or opponents can help you develop a game plan, which makes solo queueing infinitely easier.
Now, if you’re not using the app and you’re playing a ton of games, they might be all registered. Another potential downside of this tool is that you have to download the Overwolf platform to be able to download the Tracker app.
From personal experience, this overplay is a lot more manageable for low-end PCs, especially when compared to other trackers on this list like Blitz and Mobalytics. But some people might not like it. Then again, that’s why you can have a mobile app or just use the website.
And while this app and all of its features are free, you’re gonna have to watch some ads to get the full experience. You can also pay to have them removed, but they usually aren’t that annoying or invasive.
From KAST, KDA, score per round, first bloods, aces, to headshot percentage and win rate, Valorant Tracker has it all.
Blitz has been one of the main overlays used in League of Legends games, so when Riot released Valorant, it was only natural for them to jump on the opportunity. Their experience and large pool of resources has helped them create an overlay with many features.
But not all Valorant players can properly utilize that much information. While the interface is generally easy to use, making the most out of it can be hard for new players. At the same time, they are prone to server issues and the app won’t track your process unless it’s open while playing Valorant.
This can be troublesome if you don’t have a high-end PC, resulting in frustrating FPS drops or high ping issues. Then again, if you can run it, Blitz provides a better analysis in game with suggestions.
Things like your win rate on a certain agent on a certain map, or what agents perform best globally on that map can make a huge difference in the draft process. Seeing how your teams have performed in the last 5 games also sets the tone.
It does cover some of the basic statistics that Tracker gives, but it’s not as in-depth. Instead, Blitz focuses more on how to maximize your chances of winning rather than informing you of everything.
Blitz has weapon, agent, and map guides in their overlay, so if your PC can handle it, it will help you learn that lineup before the round starts. This makes Blitz one of the best Valorant stat trackers out there and we highly recommend it.
Now, if you’re into lineups and really mastering your agent while having access to stat tracking, then should be your first choice. While anyone who has ever played Valorant has some basic understanding of how abilities work, nothing explains it as well as Strats.
You receive most of the important statistics that other Valorant stat trackers provide but with other features as well. On top of having a lot of lineup guides, you can also leave a review on your teammates, much like the Steam platform.
While this can be a source of toxicity in the already fragile gaming community, it can also be an elo savior in higher ranks. Nobody wants to play with boosted players or bought accounts, because it’s a major disadvantage.
The playing field isn’t leveled from the start and unless 2 people on your team drop 30 kills, you will waste your time, effort, and elo. When it comes to the lineup guides, this is your best platform by far. After you unlock Valorant agents quickly, you’ll need to master them.
While most of these trackers only include the most basic lineups for each map, Strats is made to be a comprehensive lineup guide for each agent. From smoke and one-way lineups to killing trips and protecting ult orbs, to molly lineups pre and post-plant, they have it all.
They also allow community submissions. So quite a few people have gotten into esports as coaches or analysts with their help. By creating a catalog of their effort in the practice tool through this platform. If you see a fun lineup in an esports match, soon enough, you’ll see it and be able to learn in the
If you are looking for a Valorant stat tracker that gets the job done without fancy features that torture your rig, is probably the answer. Similarly to the Tracker network, this platform tracks your stats without an application running in the background.
With it you get the basic information and statistics most people need like win rate, ACS, KD, and headshot percentage. But don’t expect an in-depth analysis of your playstyle or what maps, agents and weapons suit your best.
Also, if you are trying to learn how to play Neon, don’t expect any stun lineup on this platform. As we said, this platform is made to be free, easy to access, and easy to use. You just need to connect your Riot account to the platform to confirm your identity, and then you’ll have access to all your statistics.
While some people who play on laptops might find it better that there’s no app or overlay, others might see this as a downside to Dak. Either way, there’s a different option for every audience, and Dak has been one of the best Valorant stat trackers for a reason.
Mobalytics is one of the biggest names in the industry, thanks to its extensive League of Legends platform. While they brought the same level of quality to Valorant, it doesn’t seem to be everyone’s first choice.
But then again, those who like it, are serious about their improvement and are willing to spend money on it. And that’s all that matters in a business. If you’re a stats junkie that likes analyzing data sets to predict the new meta, find the next big thing or anything of the sort, Mobalytics is your choice.
This platform provides you with In-depth player stats from around the world, from all servers. That way, you can track your favorite one-trick or pro player and see what they do well. If you’re doing all that, then you’re really serious about being better at Valorant.
That’s when their extensive library for agent lineups comes into play. If you still want more, then you have their Master Class guides from pro players on the platform. These are usually high elo players that have played competitively so they know what they are talking about.
But nothing this good comes free, and many of their features are locked behind a paywall. Sure you can get some tips and stats from the free version, but if you want the important stuff, you will have to pay.
And such comprehensive overlays are guaranteed to bug your PC down, so is that Valorant gun tier list worth that FPS drop? To each their own, but all of these platforms are successful and have helped a lot of Valorant players so it’s just a matter of preference.