LoL Worlds Casters – Who Is The Most Popular League of Legends Caster?

Most popular LoL casters

14 minutes

Last Updated: May 28, 2024

Stole Kostov

Being a LoL caster nowadays is an official job description. Which is crazy to think of because, in terms of entertainment, Esports is a pretty new concept. A decade ago, watching someone play video games would sound hilarious. But now, it’s a whole industry that funds a lot of livelihoods.

This industry has made the biggest Esports players millionaires, and inspired an entire generation. Likewise, many people have made money with Esports betting. But what about the people working to deliver an entertaining product? In this line of work, popularity plays a big part in the compensation rate. 

The on-air team at international LoL Esports events is pretty complex. And each role serves a different purpose. So how are their responsibilities split? And who are these people that make watching the best LoL players so enjoyable?

What Is LoL Desk Host?

Just like in broadcasts for major sports events, LoL Esports tournaments must have a host. This is often the most popular and most experienced person on the team since their responsibilities are far-reaching.

They are the first member of the on-air team that viewers interact with when the pre-game show starts. That’s why they have to be charming, entertaining, knowledgeable and have strong delivery and communication skills.

The role of the host at LoLeSports events is to set up the stage and introduce the audience to the teams competing on that day. They will usually be joined by a few analysts, with whom they’ll go over the recent form of the teams competing.

What Is LoL Play-By-Play Caster?

Once the games start, most of the pressure shifts to the Play-By-Play LoL caster. They are the person responsible for audibly covering central events happening on the screen,  which the viewer should be aware of.

This requires extensive knowledge and understanding of the game, as well as great delivery skills so the broadcast sounds clean. They will often call major events that will shape the outcome of the game down to minute details.

This includes detailed ability usage, cooldown tracking and so much more that builds into great team-fight coverage, which is where legends are made. Play-By-Play League casters usually captivate the audience with their impressively precise and clear calls of chaotic situations that unravel in seconds. 

What Is LoL Color Caster?

The role of the LoL Color-play commentator is to be the right hand for the Play-By-Play caster. They are there to follow up on points made by the Play-By-Play LoL caster, provide context and statistical data to back up the claims, and more.

During down times, they are responsible for entertaining the audience with interesting facts and providing match details that might have flown under the radar. Overall they aim to set the tone of the competition and build up hype, by connecting with the audience.

Best LoL Casters/Hosts


Full Name: James “Dash” Patterson

Region: North America

Nationality: USA

Caster Position: Host

Dash and Riot Games couldn’t agree on a new deal to kick off the 2023 LoL Esports season and it broke the hearts of many LCS fans. James joined Riot Games in January 2014, after graduating from New York University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama.

Being an esports coordinator probably wasn’t as enticing as starring in off-Broadway shows and movies, but after a 6-month preparation period, Dash debuted on the live broadcast team as the desk host for the North American LCS. 

That’s where he made a name for himself over the last decade, becoming a household name and the face of the NA LCS brand. After losing out on the LCS host spot, Dash was granted his own show preluding the NA LCS LoL broadcast. He has also started hosting Valorant Esports events, namely the VCT 2023: Americas League.


Full Name: Laure “Bulii” Valée

Region: EMEA

Nationality: France

Caster Position: Host/ Interviewer

If you have watched at least one international LoL Esports event, it’s very likely you have seen Laure in her natural habitat. The beautiful French presenter excels at navigating interviews and always comes up with questions the viewers want to hear the answers to.

Laure was studying art history in order to become an auctioneer, but her proficient writing skills got her into the world of LoL Esports. Kicking off her writing career in 2013 with voluntary work for Millennium and Jeuxvideo, gave her the platform and exposure to level up. 

After a few years of working as a freelance content writer for Riot Games, she became the interviewer for the EU LCS in 2017 and has been with the organization ever since. She has filled the role at multiple events hosted by Riot, including LoLeSports MSI and EU Masters.

Most recently she became a host for the LEC LoL when Sjokz was covering the CSGO Major, and she then spent the 2023 LCK Summer Split hosting the analyst desk. Her hard work resulting in this expansion of her portfolio hasn’t gone unnoticed. It has made Laure one of the most successful women in the esports industry, deservedly so.


Full Name: Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere

Region: EMEA

Nationality: Belgium

Caster Position: Host/ Interviewer

Sjokz is arguably the most recognizable personality in League of Legends Esports. She has been holding down the fort for more than a decade, starting to host the EU LCS broadcast desk in 2013. But she’s also made herself known in other Esports, and her versatility has made her one of the longest-serving members at international broadcasts.

As a former professional player in Unreal Tournament ‘99, she won several events with her teams and the Belgian national team. This ignited a love for esports in Sjokz, that pushes her further to this day. She served as an interviewer and journalist during the early days of European LoL Esports competitions, before becoming a constant fixture on the broadcast.

Her experience and playful personality have made her a fan favorite in both CS:GO and LoL Esports. It’s hard to imagine any major international tournaments in both fields without Sjokz, which is why she is widely recognized as one of the most important figures in the Esports scene.

The validation of her pioneering efforts has come in the form of multiple “Best Esports Host” awards from 2018 onwards, as well as being top 5 in many other categories. Sjokz has long been one of the most popular and impactful League casters, and we can’t wait to witness her return at League of Legends Worlds 2023.

Honorable Mentions For Most Popular League of Legends Casters:


Full Name: Martin “Deficio” Lynge

Region: EMEA

Nationality: Denmark

Caster Position: Color Caster/ Analyst

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Deficio on the stage. But that doesn’t mean people forgot about him or his legendary casts. He’s one of the old LoL casters, who has since moved to a management role with Misfits in Europe.

Deficio has been a part of the LoLeSports community since its inception. He was a professional esports player for 2 years, before moving into a coaching and management role for NiP. But Deficio garnered most of his popularity on international Riot Games broadcasts. 

His first casting experience came in early 2014 on the EU LCS, after which he spent the next 5 years perfecting his craft. Fans acknowledged his efforts to improve his accent and vocabulary, on top of being one of the most knowledgeable analysts in the field.

His eye for talent and development has also helped him stay relevant beyond his casting career. This is the man that discovered Bjergsen and his teams have since produced many current and former LEC players.


Full Name: Aaron “Medic” Chamberlain

Region: EMEA

Nationality: United Kingdom

Caster Position: Play-By-Play caster

The UK and its now discredited NLC, have produced a lot of esports personalities, both in the field and in the booth. Medic is the latest in this talent development line to reach global accreditation and popularity.

He kicked off his casting career in 2016, casting esports events for a mobile title called Vainglory. Less than a year later, he was casting matches in the Challenger Series of the then-EU LCS. He moved up to the main LEC LoL stage in his first split and was even a member of the 2017 League of Legends Worlds casting crew.

His meteoric rise up the ranks of LoL casters is quite understandable given the energy he brings to the broadcast with his hyped-inducing style. This man spent 6 years studying and working as a medical practitioner and threw it all away to chase his passion. No wonder you can hear it in his voice.

Since then, Medic has been a mainstay on the LEC broadcast, serving as one of the three Play-By-Play League casters. He has done multiple international events in the LoL Esports scene, and his intensity makes him one of the most popular League of Legends casters.

Most Popular League of Legends Casters:


Full Name: Marc Robert “Caedrel” Lamont

Region: EMEA

Nationality: United Kingdom

Caster Position: Color Caster/ Analyst 

Of all of the esports personalities on this list, Caedrel might have the biggest brand. After competing for 5 years and never making the playoffs, Caedrel decided to dip into the casting waters. Caedrel joined the official Riot Games LEC LoL broadcast in the summer of 2020, while still being actively on a playing contract.

Starting off in the analyst role, fans quickly grew fond of him. His insight into how team dynamics in esports work, his knowledge of the game, and his playful personality resonated with the younger audience.

And he took full advantage of it, becoming a meme in the LoL Esports community, which helped him build a global brand and career in less than 3 years. He became notorious for calling bad plays “illegal”, which is ironic since he’s the owner of probably the biggest misplay in LoL Esports.

But any publicity is good publicity, and both Riot Games and Caedrel realized this early on. That’s why he’s been a constant fixture in LEC and international LoL Esports broadcasts, like every LoL Worlds event from 2020 onwards.

He has also built a massive community on Twitch and Youtube, expanding his brand even into China. This has made Caedrel a global ambassador of LoLeSports and a very profitable brand as one of the most popular LoL casters at the League of Legends Championship.


Full Name: Isaac “Azael” Cummings Bentley

Region: North America

Nationality: USA

Caster Position: Color Caster/ Analyst

Azael’s reach in esports goes far beyond the world of League of Legends casters. He was a  World of Warcraft world champion back in 2007, under the Evil Geniuses banner. His love for gaming was immediately evident, as he moved to casting different Blizzard titles shortly after his retirement.

These included World of Warcraft arena matches, Starcraft 2, and Hearthstone. Azael made the jump to Riot Games back in 2015. He first joined the team as a play tester, before making his first casting appearance the following year.

And he has been a constant fixture at NA LCS LoL and international LoLeSports events ever since. His success as a color caster and analyst can be easily attributed to his understanding of the game’s fundamentals. As a former professional player and caster in multiple titles, Azael understands each game as a combination of different variables

.And it’s this methodical approach to analysis that makes watching him cast games an experience worth being a part of. His soft-spoken attitude makes viewers feel like the class is in session, and everyone listens carefully when this man speaks. This has made Azael one of the most beloved and popular League casters in the scene.


Full Name: Trevor “Quickshot” Henry

Region: EMEA

Nationality: South Africa

Caster Position: Host/ Play-by-Play Caster

Play-by-Play League casters usually leave a long-lasting impression and make you remember their voice. But what happens when that person is also great at hosting events and streamlining interviews? Well, you get Trevor “Quickshot” Henry, one of the most popular LoL casters there is.

After participating in a few Call of Duty 4 LANs, Quickshot decided to leave South Africa and head to the UK. Here he found his niche, joining Riot Games in 2013 as a community coordinator for their offices in Dublin. 

Shortly after, he became a full-time Play-by-Play LoL caster for the LEC LoL, where he has been a mainstay ever since. His unique casting style perfectly exemplifies the roller coaster of emotions that is a League of Legends Esports game.

This has built him a large fan base and is the reason he’s been a part of 8 straight LoL Worlds casting crews. He has even taken over as host of the LEC when Sjokz took a break, and filled that role effortlessly.

Many people in the LoL Esports scene have attributed their success to Quickshot’s guidance and control of the product the on-air puts out. That’s why he’s one of the most popular League of Legends casters, and why Riot Games value him so much.


Full Name: Max “Atlus” Anderson

Region: Korea

Nationality: Australia

Caster Position: Play-by-Play

Casual fans of League of Legends Esports usually aren’t aware of who’s behind the mic. But that all changes when it’s Atlus at the helm. This Australian Play-By-Play caster has been a constant at international Riot-hosted events, and has become the face of the English LoL LCK broadcast.

Atlus started commentating and casting local League of Legends matches in 2012, after hearing his friend give it a go. But Atlus took it more seriously, and as soon as the Oceanic server was launched, he was casting local tournaments all over Australia.

He joined Riot Oceania in 2014 as a commentator and has since expanded his influence in multiple regions in the Pacific. Being a Play-By-Play LoL caster at international events like LoL Esports MSI and LoL Worlds made him a global phenomenon. 

This notoriety resulted in him being contracted by OGN Korea in 2017 after which he moved to South Korea to join the broadcast team of the LCK full-time. Serving as the main Play-by-Play caster for the English broadcast for the sixth year now, many LoL LCK fans have grown accustomed to hearing Atlus speak.

Part of what makes his style so enjoyable is his conversational tone, which is on full display when there’s downtime in action. And in the LCK LoL, that happens a lot. But he’s also great at capturing the emotions and momentum of plays in team fights, which is why he is one of the most popular League of Legends casters.

Captain Flowers

Full Name: Clayton Raines

Region: North America

Nationality: USA

Caster Position: Play-by-Play Caster

Tuning into an NA LCS LoL broadcast is a lot more enjoyable experience when it’s Captain Flowers steering the ship. The 32-year-old Play-by-Play LoL caster is what makes boring games sound like a thriller and it’s the reason he’s number 1 on our list.

Captain Flowers has been a play-by-play commentator for the LCS broadcast since 2017 and has been a fan favorite ever since, despite a lack of international appearances. Covid might have slowed his career trajectory, but nothing can stop the Captain on the broadcast.

He is the closest the League of Legends community has gotten to traditional sportscasting, with his energy and intensity being contagious. His clear and loud pronunciation during epic fights has fans on the edge of their seats, cheering for people they’ve probably never heard of.

Outside of Riot Games events, Flowers has also hosted and cast multiple charitable events, on top of being one of the most enthusiastic members of the community. This man loves his job and it’s pretty obvious every time he’s on the mic. Live audiences have coined the nickname “Rap God” for him, which is only fitting given his speed and clarity on the NA LCS LoL broadcast. 

How Much Do LoL Casters Make?

League of Legends might be one of the best Esports games for betting online, but how much do the most popular LoL Worlds casters make? Most of the League casters mentioned on the list are directly contracted with Riot Games. But some of them have chosen to terminate those contracts in order to participate in events hosted by other developers.

Most notably, Sjokz and Azael serve as freelance contractors to Riot Games. This means that they bargain with management for every event, depending on the number of games and working hours. Esports are notorious for having long breaks, which the on-air talent must make enjoyable. 

This is great if you are into Live Esports betting since you can do a lot of research in the meantime. But it must suck for those getting paid by the day. So how much and in what way are these League casters being compensated?

Well, according to, the average salary earned by an eSports caster is around $70,000. But that number is much lower for those that are new to the field, with the entry-level positions being valued at $20,000 annually. And since around 25% of eSports casters earn on average $37,000 annually working 16-60 hours per week, we would say that’s a fair estimate.

But the people on this list are the cream of the crop, which means they are compensated as such. With bonuses for working international events, it’s safe to assume the most popular LoL Worlds casters make upwards of six figures.





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